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About the API System.

1.  How do I create a full API key?


Go to and log in to your characters account and follow the steps in the below pic then click the cubmit button at the bottom of your API page.


Once you have created your API you can copy and paste your ID and Verification Code into our online application form.


Once you have received a desicion regarding your application you may go ahead and delete the API key if you wish.



2. Why do you need access to my full API Key?


* There is one straight answer for this really, we must make sure you are who you say you are. (We do not want spies or assassins within our ranks).  Security is a normal part of every corporation within Eve and our members and yourself can feel assured that we don't just let anyone join our corp without a full security check first.


* We must make sure you have the correct skills and experience to operate within our corp and that you can fly safely in this part of space.


** Only the CEO, Directors and recruiters will have access to your API information and as we say above, you may delete this key after a decision has been made regarding your application.


About our Corporation.

1. What is the best way for me to travel from Highsec to corp space in Null?


*  If you can fly a covert ops ship then you can fit a covert ops cloak and a microwarp drive or aferburner and jump your way here (we recommend doing this just before or just after daily downtime).

*  You can jump here in any ship you wish but we dont recommend doing this unless you can afford to lose what you fly.  (We have a way of getting your ships and modules from Jita to our home station so please ask in corp for info).


2. What do I need to do before I join?


*  We recommend that you have a jump clone located in Jita for buying skillbooks etc.  While there are ways in which we can get things from Jita to our home stations easily enough, it is always quicker to have a jump clone if you need a skill ASAP.

*  We also recommend that you create an alt in Jita too, this way if you need to buy things in Jita then you can do this using your alt instead of using your jump clone.  The 24hr timer can be a pain and jump clones in Jita are really only useful for the above step.


3. What do I need to do after I join?


*  Say Hi to your new corp mates, we wont bite and ask any questions you may have in corp chat.

*  Please look up corp rules, follow these at all times and always respect your fellow corp mates as they will respect you.

*  Join any intel channels that are made available to you.   You should receieve an email detailing these upon joining our corp.

*  Read the newcomer corp mail... This will contain information to you that will be vital to life within our corp and space.  You will also find out about corp services that we run and information regarding intel channels etc etc.


4. Why have I been kicked from the corp?


*  We only ever kick pilots as a very last option.  You will only ever be kicked after the admin team has looked over any evidence and has taken a vote on the matter. 

*  You may be kicked for not following corp rules and not respecting the corp, corp mates, Alliance and its members.





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